To book a counselling session with Jo Morgan please only use the details below
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Call: 07790593585

Relationship Therapy
Difficult family situations, stress at work, the impact of affairs, communication issues, lack of confidence, bereavement, raising a family - these are just some of the factors that can have an impact on relationships.
An assessment with a specially trained counsellor can help find a way forward.

Individual Therapy
Individual therapy can enable you to navigate through change, manage anxiety, depression, anger, low self esteem, life challenges, relationships, redundancy and many other difficulties which can put a strain on our lives.
Counselling is here to work with you and help you manage the various stresses in life.

Psychosexual Therapy
Erectile difficulties, loss of desire, painful intercourse, premature ejaculation and many other sexual difficulties can commonly affect relationships at some stage.
When the problem is persistent, psychosexual therapy can help. A structured programme, tailored specifically to your needs can really help restore a fulfilling sexual relationship.