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Chiropractic Blog

4 min read
Headaches - Finding the root cause
More than 10 million people in the UK experience headaches regularly, but what could be causing these niggling pains? After low back and...

3 min read
Keeping technology healthy for teens
Teenagers can be at risk from suffering back or neck pain due to sedentary lifestyles and the excessive use of technology. Findings from...

4 min read
Dangers of Back Pain at School
The new school year is well underway. Children are back in the classrooms, running around playgrounds and playing sports. However,...

1 min read
The value of stretching
Stretching is part of a routine we go through, before and after exercising and to help prevent injury. More and more evidence from...

1 min read
When is pain an injury?
Summer is here and it’s time to dust of the cobwebs and start moving. The “slightly” warmer weather gives us the opportunity to get out...

1 min read
Can Chiropractic help with sports injuries?
This is my first blog post, so I thought I would keep it short. Giving an introduction into why chiropractors can help with sporting...

2 min read
Rugby Injuries: Shoulder impingement syndrome
Rugby Injuries: Shoulder impingement syndrome I’m gonna discuss this problem in a simple ‘all you need to know’ style. The shoulder is...

4 min read
What makes a good or bad Chiropractor?
As a practicing Chiropractor I have made 2 brief lists of things to be aware of when visiting a Chiropractor for the first time. The...

4 min read
What is the difference between a Chiropractor and an Osteopath?
One of the most common questions I get as a Chiropractor is “what is the difference between a Chiropractor and an Osteopath?” As you...

2 min read
Neck Pain: Chiropractic and exercise, the perfect relationship?
Medication Exercise A Chiropractor After 12 weeks, the patients who used a chiropractor or exercised were more than twice as likely to be...

4 min read
How do I avoid getting back and neck pain whilst breast feeding?
There is loads of advice out there about how to breastfeed, though none of which provides a specialists view on the do’s and don'ts of...

2 min read
How exactly can a Chiropractor help treat my headache?
There a variety of different headache types, evidence shows that chiropractic can help treat two of the most common types, these are...

4 min read
Why do I need to use ice?
Why do I need to use ice? Its amazing… amazing how many times I have asked patients during our first meeting and consultation if they...

3 min read
What is the noise heard during a chiropractic adjustment or manipulation?
If you have been to your Chiropractor or a therapist that performs manipulation you may have already had this subject explained to you...

5 min read
How to prevent football injuries on matchday: a Chiropractors perspective
Warming up, as every footballer should know its an absolute necessity to a footballers game for these reasons, i) to prevent Injury, ii)...

3 min read
What are myofascia and fascia?
Fascia, it has become one of the hottest words in the world of manual therapy, including Chiropractic, you may have already heard the...
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