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Chiropractic Blog

3 min read
How should you warm up for a long distance run?
A post by our Sports Therapist James Hood. James is a long distance runner with a wealth of running knowledge and experience.

4 min read
All about ‘dem bones!
If you've ever seen a real skeleton or fossil in a museum, you may think that bones are dead, although bones in museums are dry, hard, or...

3 min read
Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Week
18th - 24th June. What is RA? During this week we wanted to highlight understanding Rheumatoid arthritis and provide some information...

3 min read
How do you get a slipped disc?
Slipped discs are where the contents of an Intevertebral disc (IVD) push outwards. This can lead to a protruding or sometimes tearing of...

2 min read
Look after yourself on holiday!!
Look after yourself on your holiday… a few tips from our Chiropractors to help you stay whilst travelling this summer. The summer...

2 min read
July, Strawberries and Cream…must be time for Tennis!
With the summer holidays on the horizon and Wimbledon beginning, some of us may be thinking about dusting off our tennis rackets. But...

4 min read
Headaches - Finding the root cause
More than 10 million people in the UK experience headaches regularly, but what could be causing these niggling pains? After low back and...

1 min read
Ready to race?
Spring has sprung and those runners amongst you have dusted off their trainers and have started pounding the pavements. But are you...

4 min read
The secrets of sleep!
The importance of having a good nights sleep has a big impact on your overall health and well being. It has been calculated that we...

5 min read
Thinking about running?
Q+A with Rob Ellchuk Rob is an athletics coach based in Bath University sports centre. A former athlete who specialised in 100m and 200m...

2 min read
Gardening Re-leaf
We are getting to that time of year again when the weather starts to get a little warmer and the garden needs some TLC. Let us not forget...

3 min read
Bristol Strongest Woman!!
Zoe is Bristol’s strongest Woman. A patient of Bristol Chiropractic Sports and Family Clinic, a fan of basketball and an excellent...

2 min read
Autumn Triggers Seasonal Affected Disorder
Autumn has well and truly arrived, bringing shorter days and less light. This change in the amount of light is a signal to animals,...

3 min read
Keeping technology healthy for teens
Teenagers can be at risk from suffering back or neck pain due to sedentary lifestyles and the excessive use of technology. Findings from...

4 min read
Dangers of Back Pain at School
The new school year is well underway. Children are back in the classrooms, running around playgrounds and playing sports. However,...

1 min read
The value of stretching
Stretching is part of a routine we go through, before and after exercising and to help prevent injury. More and more evidence from...

1 min read
When is pain an injury?
Summer is here and it’s time to dust of the cobwebs and start moving. The “slightly” warmer weather gives us the opportunity to get out...

1 min read
Can Chiropractic help with sports injuries?
This is my first blog post, so I thought I would keep it short. Giving an introduction into why chiropractors can help with sporting...

2 min read
Driving a pain in the neck (and back)
Driving a pain in the neck! (and back) We’re in the midst of a sitting epidemic and new research finds that driving is the most common...
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